d.Tree Meditational Film

Design as Research

Design and storytelling allowed us to gather and summarize complex topics into relevant presentations such as the Meditation video as seen in the exhibition and on our homepage. This element of the project was used to ground all actions taken toward the execution of this exhibition.

  • Script Writing

    This portion of the design process allowed us to ground the narrative of the project and gave all members the tools on how to approach learning, engagement, and execution.

    The script was developed by Matt Black, Ackeem Salmon, and Leslie Tom.

  • Storyboarding

    From the script, a visual map was created on how to approach the making of the film. These consisted of using sketches and illustrations of the shots needed to tell the story of the d.Tree project.

  • Filming

    The last stage of the project involved multiple actors and designers that brought the scrip and storyboard to life.

    This was art directed and edited by local artist Ackeem Salmon.