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Join our regenerative design journey

  • Cumulus - White Paper

    Cumulus connects 370 institutions worldwide, fostering knowledge exchange and uplifting designers' role in creating sustainable futures. Our d.Tree Studio was selected for the Cumulus Design Conference, focused on Design for Adaptation. Visit:

  • 2022 Exhibit

    A MetroTimes article highlighting The students work at The College for Creative Studies in the historic Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. The repurposed art was on display Fri. March 18 - Sat. April 2, 2022

  • 2023 Exhibit

    The d.Tree Studio project travlled to The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in 2023, redefining the lens of our relationship with Detroit trees from past, present and future. (July 20 - December 10, 2023)